Thanks for the invite😀
Welcome to our dark little corner of DA!
I am very pleased to be able to announce that we have found a new venue for our Morgulia Tuesday events! Over the Brick Games in Kirkland, WA ( ) has been kind enough to host us on Tuesdays from 6-9pm starting on the 25th of this month! This first event will be a Learn to Play day and we will bring everything needed so, if you're in the area and would like to give Cursed Lands: Morgulia a try, we'd be happy to have you join in! The following weeks will follow a monthly pattern of: Week 1 - Learn to Play and One Off games, Week 2 - Warband Building and Miniature Painting, Week 3 - Ongoing Campaign Play, Week 4 - Terrain Building and Painting. Hope some of you are able to make it!
Thank you so much for the Request ^_^
Thank you for sharing!
Your so welcome ^_^
I just discovered three more reviews of Cursed Lands: Morgulia out there (two really, but one was duplicated on two separate websites) bringing the written play and review count from outside the studio itself up to four! Show them (and me ) some love by heading over and checking them out at the links below (I've included the first one for the sake of completeness and for those who missed it initially):