Dark Aethermorgannation on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/morgannation/art/Dark-Aether-450363939morgannation

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morgannation's avatar

Dark Aether



My favorite scenes in any of the Metroid games are the entry sequences in the Metroid Prime games where Samus flies towards the planet. It always gives of a feeling of awe and makes you more excited for the game. I particularly like this scene in Metroid Prime Two because you see her flying towards a planet pulsing between states. Due to the color restrictions of this contest I chose Dark Aether to incorporate the pink. I took some artistic liberty with her thrusters but I think the lightning adds a perspective effect that helps make the picture look more dynamic.

This piece was a bit of a challenge to make because of my red-green colorblindness, making such a pink piece was risky since it is one of my trouble colors but I tried to make sure I stayed within the color limitations of the contest.

I hope you like it!

Made with Photoshop CS6
Image size
4200x3000px 2.57 MB
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