Kankri x Mpreg!Mituna- I'll Still Love You by Vincebae, literature
Kankri x Mpreg!Mituna- I'll Still Love You
“Mituna, are y9u alright? I tried messaging y9u on Tr9llian 6ut y9u didn’t answer…” Kankri called as he walked into Mituna’s hive. The door was slightly open, so he didn’t bother knocking. He hoped that Mituna was home, otherwise he may have a problem. “Anyways, Mituna, I h9pe y9u d9n’t mind me c9ming 9ver unann9unced. 6ut there is a few tr9lls wh9 have g9tten w9rried n9t hearing fr9m y9u.” Kankri heard something upstairs, and followed the noise into Mituna’s respiteblock. Kankri had only been here a few times, the last time being a few perigee’s ago. He opened the door to see Mituna having a fit in the corner of the room. He ran over to ...