- Seven Minutes in Heaven - Faneru x Artist!Reader by Smiley2BSapphire, literature
- Seven Minutes in Heaven - Faneru x Artist!Reader
- Seven Minutes in Heaven - Faneru x Artist!Reader - "____-chan! It's your turn now to play!" Kettaro sang as he ran up to ____ as she pushed him away, busy drawing the party in front of her as Kettaro pouted. "C'mon! You agreed to play, and it's your turn now!" Kettaro said as he leaned in close to ____. Kettaro put on the best puppy dog face he could muster with those brown eyes of his, when suddenly, ____ pushed him back with her sketch pad. "I know, I know, but can you be a bit patient while I get my camera? Keep that face on Kettan-San." ____ said as she dug around in her purse for her camera as Kettaro was shocked. "What ...