Purely for a case, John (2) by AraneLuna, literature
Purely for a case, John (2)
"Whatever you say, /dear/." "Dear?" John scoffed, a frown creasing the space between his brows. "Don't. Don't do that"."Don't do what?""Call me that. Makes things, y'know, awkward, and all that".He snorted. "Like me dressed like this didn't do that already?"He clenched his jaw, biting back a retort. Why couldn't he bring himself to look at his counterpart? It was just a bloody costume, after all. But as soon as he allowed his eyes to venture in the direction of his flatmate, he knew the falsity of his statement. He sighed, rubbing his eyes with his fingers."You can go home...I can call Lestrade if this bothers you so much.""It's /fine/," h...