A tiny freshmen is like a little lamb, scared and out of place. A lamb that is lost and alone.
The sophomore wolf feeds on the sweet lambs, laughing and jeering as they taste their flesh.Sometimes a junior, an ewe, finds a lamb and helps it, caring for it and helping it find it's place.The senior is an ancient, knowledgeable, elder ram. It shares its knowledge and fights with the wolves.
Find your place, your flock. Find your heart, your soul. Find your ewe, find your ram, find your lamb, and even your wolf.
Langsam öffnete er die Augen. Die grelle Sonne brannte ihm in den Augen und sandte einen stechenden Schmerz durch seinen Kopf. Desorientiert und erschöpft lag er da. Er lauschte auf die Geräusche um ihn herum. Das Rauschen des Meeres, welches seien Beine umspülte und seine Hose durchnässte, Schritte, die sich durch den Sand eilig entfernten und das beruhigende Trällern und Zwitschern der Vögel und Möwen, die er durch seine halbgeöffneten Augen am blauen Himmel sah.
Sein Kopf wurde langsam klarer, wenn auch der Schmerz nicht ganz verschwand.
Vorsichtig versuchte er, sich zu bewegen. Erst die Fingerspitzen, dann die Hände, schließlich die A...
She persuades him to lie down and be still for her
Naked in body only,
her eyes peer past the whole to the pieces.She squeezes his breasts
Sweet, ripe little things
How they ache for her.Curious hands become gentle fingers
Sliding up his throat
knuckles rasping against stubble
Skating across his forehead smoothing furrows.
Press gently on the delicate skin at the edges of his eyes
Follow down between the eyebrows
The straight line of his nose
Stroking soft lips that part in hungry expectancy.She stretches his arms above his head, palms up.
Traces with spider legs down his shivering skin
Tickles the hair of his armpits
Nuzzling her nose int...
Yesterday I accidently broke my neighbor's car window.My neighbor is huge and strong, I had to do something.So I tried to tell him that I was sorry, but he did not listen.I am so worried of what he is going to do. Is he going to call the police, my parents, or even the school? Or will he just go after me directly?Maybe I should just tell my parents what happened and then they can take care of it.No, they could not help me, they would hand me right to him.I have to look over my shoulder to make sure he is not following, but somehow I know he is, waiting for the opportunity to make me pay.He would try and catch me, maybe I should run.My pa...
Rising from the ashes
from the depths below
we look at you,
our eyes are filled with an Erie amber glow
our faces turn and stare you down
till you meet your doom,
laying there on the ground.We will find you
We will seek you
we will be your demise
You are doomed
Face your fate!
You will follow us!~Prologue~The sky was red with the dieing sun. Its rays bounced off of the terrifying scene below. Death, destruction, danger. They were all expressed in the deadly place. A large plateau, stretching away into the distance for miles upon miles, only to drop off into nothing. This truly was the end of the world. Gorges and slashes in the earth made ...
live, live, live. by choirsoftheheavens, literature
live, live, live.
I always want to save my friends. five he is the one I know I should steer clear from; he has done too many things in ignorance but my tongue keeps forming words too soft to do anything but excuse him. all I can think is he holds himself far too stiff to be natural.I wonder if he has ever been held [up] by anyone other than himself.- four she tells us in the morning, just before assembly, that some days she dreams of burning the school. but then she says, “don’t worry. I’ll tell you the date when I get it settled so you can be far away when it happens.”I don’t know if we’re supposed to feel comforted by that, but I know that it is slightly...
I woke up and looked out my window, and there she was, my beautiful black mare, Whisper. Beside her though was a new face. It was her six-month-old colt, Joker. We considered him a miracle to us. Just a last month we had lost my mom’s 21 year old horse, and he was born just before it happened.
When Joker was about to be born, we had to separate our mare, Stormy, and Whisper. We had an old pasture in the back so we fixed it up and then put her back there.
About two weeks after joker was born, we let Stormy meet Joker. We brought her into the barn and put Joker out with whisper. While I held Stormy, my mom led Whisper and Joker down to t...
Dead or AliveCultured"How can I help you?""What.""Sir?"Rain came down in heavy solid sheets of steel. Nothing was warm. Fremont's eyes followed the edge of his vision. Up a wall, across the ramshackle ceiling and down the opposite wall. All three scans were interrupted by sagging shelves leaking miscellaneous crap. The only illumination was a green tiffany lamp that illuminated the only clean thing in the store: the counter."Sir? Are you going to buy something."Fremont looked down. In his hands was a square poece of paper. He unfolded it into a larger piece of paper. On it said "The Gun.""I'd like to buy the gun.""Anyone you want in partic...
A shoebox and a throttled scream.
There is no good grief. Not for me.Red grey leaves can't bring me joy
They fall on my lap - my boy,
Girl, be still, didn't mean to,
Did not stop - knew what she'd do.
A shoebox and a throttled scream.
There is no good grief. Not for me.
I am said to have been as frivolous as a rose,A rare, precious flower,Petals puffed and fluffed with a pride that towered,Knowing to have shared smiles and lovesLike the Achilles heel of emotion,Pleasing to eye and nose, but,I am crutched behind my veil of naivety,To the point I topple with false prideWith the silent fury of an elephant’s stampede,With my petals revealingly peeled and rumpled,With body drooped and thorns clean shaven,With a realization of being commonplace,With selfishness a value in me,That serves no value to me, beingA double edged sword, lathered in degradation’s poison;But veiled behind a small measure of elation,For b...
I pushed you away because I expected more.
I shut myself up in that corner of space inside my mind
with fear inside to accompany me - wrong or right - none the matter.
There is no end.
There is no season.
There is only your cemented stillness which I cannot control.
Your silence that I am unable to remedy.
Are there ashes
Mourning masses
Candlelit coming together
Paradigm shifts
Healing of rifts
Cultured coalescence
An end to obsolescence
One unified incandescent
FrontDo we want
Less and offer more
Is it crashing or gently scored
To split, to groove
Watch how shadows move
Chasing copies
Like Silents before Talkies
We've all got these
ShadesAmbivalent restless retrograde
Formless facile overplayed
Catnap, ratrap racing in flames
Subordinating shame
Blast radius armchair blame
Tepid terror totaled, tame
Dice like defeated dreams fall
Well off enough building walls
SafeGrace made fake
Mistakes and tickertape
Witnesses solemnly state
Our objecti...
Written on Sunday, January 4th 2015As Night lovingly embraced Sky, her lover
And brought him down to her bosoms
Man sheltered themselves and fell still;
Not even their breathing was heardWhile Stars danced above, lustful
Seducing before the lone, aroused Moon
Without Sun acknowledging their betrayal
Without Horizon witnessing their caressesThen what story did mankind hold?
Too afraid to step into Darkness' domain
Too frail to bear the cold Frostbite;
Just hiding under the shade of blankets, shiveringThat no soul under the Heaven said a word
That no tavern sang songs of the old
For there be only Silence, her and only existing
The Forest of Evenmore by deviantwin15, literature
The Forest of Evenmore
The Forest of EvenmoreOther names: A'enore, Land of Eternal TwilightCapital: Iltahamara, The Halls of DuskPopulance: Dark Elven with a mix of Sylvans from Thahelenora.Flora: The majority of the forest of Evenmore is made up of Purple beeches, which gives the forest it's name. The tin grey bark is used to make lightweight and supple armor, beloved of the swift and nibble elves, Dark alfar and Sylvan alike.
Fauna: Huge grey wolves stalk the shady paths and glens and many owls roost among the branches. Both are sometimes taken as beloved companions to the elves.The Elves who call the forest of Evenmore their home found it after their exile...
You woke up to
the sun's rays shining in your face, you yawned and stretched.once you opened your eyes again in your face was a teen with dusty blond hair, eating a cheese burger in your room getting pickle, ketchup, and
cheese everywhere."Alfred, what the fudge are you doing in my bedroom." you said calmly
Al twisted his head in confusion, you sat there and facepalmed at his slowness until it past about 3 minutes
you grabbed his face in both hands and turned his face to a fishy one "Al, Al, look at me" he turned his head to you more" thiiiiiiiiiinkkk, come on
i dont got all day....ok now think your embarrassing yourself." you let go of hi...
I heard the lonely Bansid, cry Calling ocean mist across the sky I know in the ocean he will die, When the wind begins to cry And the moon to lie. Oh darling, I cry for you, On the cliffs I wretch .. Oh darling, come home soon So I join her wail, Calling to the soul Soon to be kept by the water And I wonder if she knows, What loss is. I heard the lonely Bansid, cry Calling ocean mist across the sky I know in the ocean he will die, When the wind begins to cry And the moon to lie. Oh darling, you are drowning, In the fury of the sea, Oh darling, I love you, So I'll follow thee, Throwing my heart to the sea, Soon to be kept by the water, And ...
¿Quién le enseña a la gente que no sabe querer, a querer? No sé si es que el ser humano trae consigo al nacer esta extraordinaria virtud –la de querer-, y los que no sabemos, y nunca aprendemos, somos la mancha que eclipsa el normal funcionamiento de la sociedad; o si es una habilidad aprendida que simplemente no hemos logrado dominar con el paso del tiempo como el resto de nosotros. En verdad no sé, pero tampoco me interesa mucho que se me sea confirmado que estoy en lo correcto; es suficiente desasosiego con la suposición de ser un error, no creo poder con la certeza de ser uno.
Pues sí, hay mucha gente que, como yo, no sab...
I won't come for you all at once. No, I'll consume your soul nice and slow, taking you over piece by piece and bit by bit. In the beginning, you'll still have control. I won't be noticeable; I'll be as silent as a shadow, making little changes here or there. You'll start to look at yourself more closely in the mirror, poking and prodding at the areas you want to change. Soon you will start to eliminate certain habits; anything with fat content will disappear from your diet. I'll congratulate you then, and you will seek comfort in my approval. You will try to please me, and the growling of your stomach will be sweet music to my ears. I will...
Jealousy Is what i feel when i see all the rich pepole walk in the street, looking so happy, While im poor and sadJealousy is what i feel when i see others popularity while im being rejectedJealousy is what i feel when I see that the best i can do is crushed by others worstJealousy is what i feel when I see pepole who is loved, while im only being rejectedJealousy is what I feel when I see pepole who is free from their emotions while I aintJealousy is what i feel when I see pepole who will be always remembered, While I'll only be thrown away in the trashJealousy is what I feel when I see how bad looking and ugly I am, while others are beau...
You're supposed to be there for me
But you really never areYou're supposed to know me
But really you don't know anythingYou're supposed to chase me when I run out of the room
But you never leave your chairYou're supposed to love me when I'm happy
But instead you bring me downYou're supposed to hug me when I cry
But instead you just hit harderYou're supposed to know when something's wrong
But instead you just make things worseYou're supposed to miss me when I'm gone
But I doubt you'd even notice
Tired and cold, my stomach convulsing, I hang on the side of the boat in an attempt to stand upright, peering out through half-closed eyes over the dark, moving ocean that blends into black clouds where the horizon should be. The tall wooden sailing vessel jerks violently beneath my feet, the sea throwing one hundred and thirty-four feet of wood and sail and bodies up into the air and down again as our bow hits the waves with a splash, washing salt water over the deck, hitting my numb body in a spray, my thin coat already soaked through. I check my watch, blindly hitting the button to light up the time. 01:13 AM. The minutes are trudging, ...
Alone , yet still breathing
With you , I hear your heart beating
Without you , I crave some reasurrence , some quiet escape
You , are my hero just without the cape
You , have saved my life with your passionate words , and simple smile, your loving heart.
Go on , i simply cant
Now all i can do is hope , that your safe and having fun
but this feeling leaves me so very numb.
I love you , I need you
My hero , I miss you.