NaruSasu on a stormy nite by ShuiciLover, literature
NaruSasu on a stormy nite
One cold,stormy nite 1:30 am,a 12 yr old Naruto was crying. He hated thunder & lighting storms. FLASH! Naruto jumped and hid in the bed. FLASH! He jumped again but this time for the phone to call his friends. First he called Kakashi-sensei who said to count to 100 & that would help him sleep.So he tried it. He got to 15 when,FLASH! He then called Sakura, who yelled at him for waking her up @ 2:00 am & to go to bed. He had no one to talk to but Sasuke. FLASH! Sasuke grumbled as his phone rang and rang. Finally the answering machine picked up. All Sasuke heard was crying and it wasn't Sakura, so he jumped up & answer the call with "Naruto, W...