Never Again, Love by GerardWaysavedmylife, literature
Never Again, Love
He stares out at the sunrise, willing it to go back in time, reverse itself somehow. He knows, just as surely as thunder follows lightning, that when the sunrises and the new day begins, he loses all he had last night; the love of the person beside him in bed, still sleeping on. The knowledge tears at his heart, rips it open, and leaves him bleeding.
He's wanted for so long, aching and screaming for years, always silently, from a distance. He wants what he never thought he could have; now knows he will never have again.
A shifting of sheets alerts him to the fact that his companion is waking up. He feels the sheets slide away, knows w...
The Way You Look At Me by Elvis-SpringsteenFan, literature
The Way You Look At Me
I sit in Art class, drawing carelessly in my book. It’s the last lesson of the day and I can’t wait until I leave…as much as I do love art. Frank is sitting behind me, his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. I know he is staring, I can feel it. He always stares. I wonder why. I think maybe it is because the teacher sat as apart because we talk too much. Frank and I were best friends and we were always together. I throw a little glance over my shoulder and see his eyes flicker away towards the window. I can see him blush and I turn to the front, a smile forming on my lips as I ruffle a hand through my raven hair.He was so adorable w...
Gerards P.O.VI heard Mikey counting in his closet and hope he would stay like that for long enough. Then came the shouting and raging. To be honest I wasnt really scared of the shrivelled, antagonised little man stood in front of me, I was scared of what he could do though.USELESS
O well Im sorry, tell ya what Ill go and pack.
Hell no boy. Im not having your freaky little brother go any more freaky then he already is.Ok. That should not have been said. There was no need to bring Mikey into it. I was really getting angry now. The only reason Mikey is so, freaky as you put it, is because of you. Youre a crap father. Its your f...
Franks P.O.VSitting in science again I reminded myself to stay away from yellow frothy stuff. No matter how pretty and yummy it looked. Even if it smelt slightly like lemons. Even if no Frank stay away. That stuff burned like a bitch as I swallowed. Remember that too. O was I grateful for having that boy Gerard walk me home. This really made me feel like a bitch when I (probably quite forcefully and harshly) told him to walk me only halfway. I had already had shit at all the other schools and it was not going to happen here. Not until I had friends who I knew I could trust no matter what. Halfway would have to be fine. No matter how much ...
NarrativeNew jersey. A baron land. Frank didnt care. He was actually quite happy to be here. He felt that New Jersey matched his personality and he liked that. He was as far away from his old wreckage of a life as possible. His mother has promised Frank that she would get a job that didnt give her a chance of getting put in prison. She would actually search for a proper job.The house they were moving into was actually really nice. That was something Frank wasnt used to. He normally lived in cheap houses that looked as though squatters had lived there previously and if you touched anything you would probably get aids. He was guessing tha...