Boys Love Story 6 - known-se.. by dapride, literature
Boys Love Story 6 - known-se..
"I love you, too." said Robin, "I love you. My god."
Cameron laughed quielty, happily. He gently pecked Robin's lips, smiling the entire time.
Robin brought his hands into Cameron's hair, pulling him towards him. He kissed him, a few tears escaping his eyes.
Cameron kissed him in return, still grinning ear-to-ear when they parted. He used his thumb to brush the tears off of Robin's cheeks.
"I must look like an idiot..." laughed Robin, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
"No, you're gorgeous."
"...Stop." he laughed, wiping his eyes again.
"Stop what?"
"Saying stuff like that." he mumbled.
"Why should I?"
"Because..." A tiny part of m...
Okay, I was trying to be nice about this at first, but even I have a breaking point.
"Boy's Love Story" will not be continued. Meaning, we are not going to write anymore. So please do not ask when chapter 12 will be out, when we plan on writing more or anything of the sort.
However, I have started a continuation of the story on my own. You can find it in the "Boys' Love Story" folder in my gallery.Thank you for showing an interest in our story,
known-secret Forrest was sitting on a small black computer chair in his bedroom, spinning around slowly with his phone held in front of him with a blank text message screen. He'd been staring at the...