Niko Character Sheetmoosewingz on DeviantArt

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Niko Character Sheet



I mainly put this together for me so I didn't have to keep sifting through piles of paper, but I thought I'd upload it here just to show people that I am drawing! :la: Please, any advice or comments you have are much appreciated!

This is - as any Tamora Pierce fan out there will know from the title - Niklaren Goldeye, Niko for short, from the Circle of Magic series of books. I'm putting together a full character design for him for #TortallComicsProject and this is a collection of the better sketches I've done so far. Basically there's lots of his face, with a few different expressions, and some full body shots for clothes design, and a couple of sketches I did for elements of his costume (his dagger and belt purse).

Um, I should probably mention that his original face design is quite influenced by Tulio from Dreamworks' Road to Eldorado (which is an amazing film, go watch it if you haven't yet) so some of the face sketches may look familiar :D Lol...

Part of my design for :icontortallcomicsproject:

Background (c) :iconmaseiya: --> [link]
Niklaren Goldeye (c) Tamora Pierce
Artwork (c) me
Image size
3300x2550px 7.39 MB
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