Moose-Of-Pulchritude's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Sep 11, 1994
  • United States
  • Deviant for 7 years
  • He / Him
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1112)Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1112)
Meowdium Rare: You participated in the tutorial!
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Fan Art Mashup Challenge: Took the Fan Art Mashup Challenge
Biting Pear of Salamanca: Participated in April Fools' Day 2017
My Bio

I am a No-Account Ne'er-do-well with no redeeming qualities outside of playing video games, and watching cartoons and anime. (and sometimes porn).

I collect rocks and useless/decorative knick-knacks.

I also have lots of colorful hats in my closet as well as a few articles of clothing I may never wear.

Where am I going with this?

At first, I was just using this account to follow greater artists than I can ever strive to be, and also to get past the 'Mature Content' barrier, but now I think I'll be submitting some crappy MSPaint abominations for my own, and maybe even your amusement.

I don't totally believe I'll get good at this drawing stuff, but if I ever do, then buckle up, and get ready for a long ride on the moose train!

Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali
Favourite Movies
Most of them
Favourite TV Shows
Mostly Cartoons, sometimes anime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pretty Much everything but dubstep
Favourite Books
I am not well read
Favourite Games
Video Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Pretty Much anything but Sports and FPS
Tools of the Trade
No discernable skills
I had an un-ignorable dream a few minutes ago. I dreamed that my dad had a new son with some other lady. Pretty late in the game, but cool I guess. I went to visit him because nobody else was gonna, and I dressed up like santa for his new son. The kid's about 3-4 years old. He can't really talk yet, but he's beginning to. He can mimic what he hears, but he doesn't know what he's saying. The three of us have a decent, wholesome time. He had a big screen tv in his living room connected to a computer, so I boot it up and opened some kind of paint program, just a little too sophisticated to be mspaint because it had a lot more options, but still kinda basic. I'm not sure what I did, but I searched up an existing image, and recreated it using fractals, keeping in mind, that I didn't actually painstakingly recreate the image in a fractal style myself, I just cut off a piece of an existing fractal, put it in like an image generator, and set it to use this fractal piece to recreate a
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My socks have once again been knocked into orbit. You never know what wonders you'll discover when you decide to stay up well past your usual drop out time in an attempt to fix your sleep schedule:
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Multicuenta0205's avatar

Hehehe so you watch sometimes pornPTP - Parappa Dancingbut it's not an addiction

Moose-Of-Pulchritude's avatar

Gotta keep your vices on a strict schedule.Peri on a leash

If anything, these days, I'm addicted to exercise, specifically because I like to chase coregasms.

If I can get rewarded like that for taking care of my body, why not go all in on it?

And that's on top of my excellent bakery :twerking: and soon to be glorious abs.For The Ladies

I'm very happy with my life right now.

Multicuenta0205's avatar

Lol i just gave up on leaving porn

Moose-Of-Pulchritude's avatar

Gadget Emoticon 87You gotta make it work for you, bucko!

You gotta control your craving, don't let it control you!

Instead of over-indulging, use it as a reward for doing something productive.

The Lego Ninjago Movie - Sensei Wu Icon 2It won't be easy. Many times, you will lose to your urges, and before you know it it's 4:00am and you feel guilty and ashamed. You gotta lose a few times before you start winning, just like Roguelite video games.

Time to kick ass!Don't give up, soldier! You will defeat it! I believe in you!

Hartemission's avatar

Than you for the Llama and the fav

Multicuenta0205's avatar