[ Magical Girls + Boys ]  closedMooooshie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mooooshie/art/Magical-Girls-Boys-closed-853429202Mooooshie

Deviation Actions

Mooooshie's avatar

[ Magical Girls + Boys ] closed



Don't forget to watch me to see all my future creations


* A D O P T  S H O P *

13€ or 1500Pointseach


1. x
2. x
3. x
4. x
5. x
6. x
7. x
8. x

* A D D - O N S *

10€ or 1200Pointsextra outfit/hair etc..
(normal or transformation form)

4€ or 500Points a small farmiliar

Base by me small cute bear


* P A Y M E N T   I N F O *

// pay here with paypal //
(read the rules first)
Paypal email:


*  R U L E S *

- No holds

- Make sure to send in EURO (€)

- You can make any changes to the design you bought

- Please do not steal copy or trace my designs or base!

- You can resell but not for more than you paid unless you commissioned extra art of it

- If paying with points, they will be sent though a commission widget so please wait untill I say to send the points !

+Once adopted, you will receive your adoptable
(full-resolution, high-resolution image and rights to the character)

- No Refunds

Please give them a good home! ♥


Image size
3500x3000px 3.63 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Mooooshie
anonymous's avatar
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serenamidori's avatar
Could I get 2 with PayPal?