Quetzal the Rain-Sky HybridMoonrise528 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/moonrise528/art/Quetzal-the-Rain-Sky-Hybrid-999455862Moonrise528

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Moonrise528's avatar

Quetzal the Rain-Sky Hybrid



Here is my submission for CyprusDraegon's 50k contest!

This is Quetzal, a shy, quiet female hybrid. She grew up in the fields between the mountains and the 
rainforest with her mother. Her skywing father died in Scarlet's arena, put in there for loving a rainwing. Quetzal's mother, Lilac, however, escaped with the egg. Quetzal grew up with no one around but her mother and became quite shy and jittery around other dragons when she eventually went to the Academy (JMA lol). Once she made a few friends, she became very vocal and loud, often shouting in the classrooms or during music. She loves to paint scenery, and is quite skilled, but is awful (in her opinion) at other dragons.

She has skywing fire, though not as hot as normal fire.

Quetzal's design is based on a resplendent quetzal, a small, colorful rainforest bird.
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1098x720px 698.35 KB
© 2023 - 2025 Moonrise528
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myhamsterisfat's avatar

This is really cool!