I've been so inactive lately, and I'm sorry to have not given an update earlier, but life's been chaos and I haven't had time.
I graduated from highschool and plan to start college soon, and I've got a paying "job" now (technically it's not a job, it's a program for people with mental health issues like myself, but in my household, Job stands for "Just Over Broke" so I call it a job) so hopefully I'll have more access to internet, or at least have a data plan for my phone soon, since I currently have access to internet once a week, and that's on Sunday, the one day a week I get to see my Bio Dad (I'm typing this during some free time at work)
I'm low on felting materials at this point in time, so all felting projects are on hold for the time being, I still need new bike tires, I'm in the midst of trying to set up a bank account, I'm out of blank paper, and I've had no inspiration as of lately since I still have at least 5 things to finish and I don't want to start anything new until I finish those things anyways. It doesn't help that I was out of commission for two week due to strep throat. I also have to completely reorganize my room since my mom helping me make a bed frame out of wood pallets.
Things will hopefully get less crazy soon, and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get back on DA, but since the evacuation I've have to literally rebuild my life. Luckily I'm (finally) making some decent progress, and things seem to be getting better.