Welcome, my brother. I'm glad you are sharing your pieces!
Hey! welcome to Deviant Art! I hope you have a wonderful time here, keep up the good work!
Welcome to DA hope you enjoy your stay!
Thanks Galex. Seems like a cool place, not sure what took me so long to join.
No problem
Hello and welcome to DA! Nice to meet you!
Some basic things on how to get known:
- Post art regularly (but quality over quantity)
- Be active
- Comment, fave, give llamas and watches to other deviants
- Use the Deviation ThumbShare forum (https://www.deviantart.com/forum/showcase/thumbs/)
- Post your art in groups, preferably large and active ones.
- ProjectComment is great for getting art critique!
- If you want to know other people, the welcome forum might be the place to be.
- I can also recommend the art forums for any art-related questions!
- DAWelcomeWagon has lots of tutorials about the site and how to navigate it.
- And, of course, have fun!
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me!
Thanks you, I will.