Ash and RaichuMoonbowDragon on DeviantArt

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Ash and Raichu



I know people done this before; but I haven't seen people done it like this before.:onfire:

What if Ash's Pikachu evolved in season 1.:wow: Maybe not after the defeat from Surge:hmm:, but after the second battle when Pikachu proved you don't need to evolve to be strong and as they leave the gym, Pikachu suddenly evolve into Raichu:boo:(Okay, that makes no sense:confused: but neither did the fact Pikachu always wins back then no matter which opponent:ninjabattle:. Maybe he steps on the thunderstone Team Rocket dropped after stealing and THEN evolves).

Raichu is too big to sit on Ash's shoulder so he just lays on them instead(Ash's shoulders must be iron strong by now :O_o:)
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user1tji's avatar

In My Opinion: Having Ash's Pikachu Evolve Into a Raichu In The Anime Series Would Receive Generally Negative Reviews, Massive Backlash and Heavy Criticism From Critics and Anime Fans Worldwide.