Nala adopts KovuMoon-Dust-Eclipse on DeviantArt

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Nala adopts Kovu



In an alternate reality, Nala found Kovu in the Pridelands again. She couldn't blame him for coming back. She knew life must be hard in the Outlands, and the fact that he came back to the Pridelands, most likely against his mother's commands or without her knowledge, it showed bravery. Once Kovu saw he had run into Nala, he explained his reasoning for venturing back into the Pridelands. He pleaded that she not kill him or send him back to the Outlands, expecting the worst. Nala then did the most unexpected thing. She nuzzled the young cub, and told him he'd be coming back to Priderock with her, to become part of the family. Kovu wasn't sure bringing him back to the sworn enemies of his mother was the best idea, but when Nala explained that Simba had been debating what would be done if any of Zira's cubs returned, resulting in him deciding that if Kovu, Vitani, or both came back again while they were young, they would become a part of the pride. Plus Kiara had been wanting more than one sibling to play with, and Kion was too young at this point to play with her. Kovu accepted the gift of becoming part of their family, though, it would take some time to get used to the new found attention he was gonna receive, like how Nala just nuzzled him. Zira and the Outlander pride sisters never did anything like that.

Base ©: :iconmilorox22: Milorox22
Nala and Kovu 
©: The Lion King from Disney Studios
©: Myself

If you wish to use the base, be sure to give milorox22 credit.
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1024x612px 658.55 KB
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Soundofmusicfan's avatar

Nala: it's okay kovu i know your life is hard dear.