Moth the Cryptid HeadshotMonstrousLupus on DeviantArt

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Moth the Cryptid Headshot



My computer still broke, rip..
BUT I am currently using another laptop in the meantime and trying to teach myself to get used to it, im still rough at it but I tried my best with this character!! c:
The name's Moth!
Doesnt have a define gender, age, ideals, backstory and all of that stuff but, I love Moth so much~
I know Moth is very ghostly like and not always present, loves cute things and, ofc, the light.
I do imagine always child-like in nature? Innocently curious when it comes to others but prefers being to self, for now anyway.
Think of the Mothman cryptic, very similar in that so yee.
Moth also talks all drone and sad like too, similar to the Doppler Effect!
Like; "aaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaa"

Moth is just a simple boi.

GummiWorms/MonsterousLupus/2019© Moth Headshot
Art by me © GummiWorms /MonsterousLupus
Time- few hours.
Image size
395x405px 12.34 KB
© 2019 - 2025 MonstrousLupus
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urdreaming's avatar

This is such a good character design! The colors you used are to die for.