Too Greedily and Too DeepMonster-Man-08 on DeviantArt

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Too Greedily and Too Deep



Re-watched the LotR movies (they're how old now?!), felt like drawing one of my favorite bits that didn't appear in them: the Balrog's "thing of slime" form it takes after its fall off the bridge. A captivating idea, a creature of fire and shadow transforming into sludge when it hits water, instead of just being snuffed out.

And while I'm looking to the book for inspiration: wings made of shadow-stuff. The original novel is famously unclear just what's going on there....
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EvolutionsVoid's avatar
I remember seeing the concept art for this slimy balrog in a LotR movie book before and totally forgot about it! Such a cool concept and you have made it wonderfully gooey and swampy!