Boy or girl?...Monse2001 on DeviantArt

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Monse2001's avatar

Boy or girl?...



A. Candy, you shouldn't go to the forest all by yourself... wild Pokemons can be really strong and dangerous. Plus some of them hate captured Pokemons...

Ca. I know... I just wanted to train to become stronger...

A. You are already the strongest of the team... I can feel your aura, why are you sad?

Ca. -looking away-

A. please, you can count on me.

Ca. The other day while I was shopping with our trainer a girl with an Absol came across us and knocked over Karina... that girl was really angry, she wanted to fight... Our trainer refused and she scared us by using a mega stone on her Absol... I want to be strong enough to use a mega stone...

A. I know you will -giving her a little kiss-

Ca. I love you too... You know? changing of topic... If you ever had babies, would you like it to be a girl or a boy?

A.   .... I have never thought of that... -internal scream-


V: you heard the same as I? Capuccino?

C:  yes... objective spotted

V. time for the love squad to make a plan :3

Here is a little idea that came across my mind the other day... To clarify, my lucario Ajani and my lopunny Candy are mates as adults, in this pictures they are teenagers, probably dating for a moth now (fun fact, the little choker on Candy's neck was a gift from Ajani... after an incident while trainig and the red bandana was a gift from Candy to Ajani)... The two spies in the background are Capuccino (Candy's brother) and Vesta (Ajani's best friend), they act like cupid If they think that two Pokemons must be together... And about  Candy's question It was just something random, not saying that she was thinking about having kids with him at the moment XD.

Pokemon Nintendo (c)
Ajani, Candy, Capuccino and Vesta me (c)
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