Hey guys, Mono here!
Some little bio about me for those who are interested: My main fandoms are Genshin Impact, Boku no Hero Academia, Edens Zero and Fairy Tail, so most of my drawings are related fanarts :3
I've started drawing since I could hold a pencil (so really long ago X3) and I got into manga/anime style with famous animes such as Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Samurai Champloo, One Piece and many others.
My current style I owe to great Mashima-sensei who created wonderful manga universes, therefore I thank him for many things.
I've been here on dA for quite some time, firstly for the marvellous drawings of great fanartists I adore a lot. Back then, I rarely uploaded fanarts as it took plenty of time and effort to digitally color the pencil sketches with mouse. Things changed dramatically when I finally obtained a graphic tablet in July 2014 so I was not only able to draw clean outlines, but my productivity increased about tenfold X3
Since then, I try continuously to improve my style and coloring technique, I upload my fanarts much more frequently and I have lots of fun chatting and interchanging ideas and experiences with the nice people here on dA!
My personal quote: "Keep drawing, draw what you like, draw for fun, draw to share your happiness, just keep drawing"
Which of invisible girls is your favorite?
Invisible Lilia
Invisible Luka
or Invisible Ikaruga
Hello. I like your art-work, it's cool. And do you take art request?
Hi there, thanks a lot for your kind words 🥰
Sorry, I don't do requests, thanks for your understanding 😊
Your welcome. And thanks for being honest with me.
Oh yeah! Mono Ghost is back! .... hab deine Bilder bereits gesehen und werde sie umgehend kommentiere, wenn ich aus dem Urlaub zurück bin ... hab grade keinen Rechner mit Internet zum ausführlich und langem tippen
Hey Dave,
haja ich hab endlich wieder genug Muse zum Zeichnen bekommen 😄 Du kein Ding, kommentiere nur wenn du auch Zeit hast ^^ Schönen Urlaub noch!
Hey yo Ghost =)
wie findest du das neue Eclipse Design ^^?
ich finde es noch etwas ungewohnt, aber ganz gut .... endlich hat Deviantart einen Zurück Button oben links bei den Bildern xD
wirst du wieder aktiver hier auf Deviantart?