Ponytail wig tutorial 1monetclaude on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/monetclaude/art/Ponytail-wig-tutorial-1-262688535monetclaude

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Ponytail wig tutorial 1



Here's a tutorial on how to make a ponytail with a long haired wig. It worked for mine (shown in the tutorial), so I've typed up instructions on how to do it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Though I don't have a long history of cosplay compared to others, I'm willing to help any cosplayer that is in need of help :3
Step 1 []
Step 2 [link]
Step 3 [link]
Step 4 [link]

Additional info: I forgot to mention that I secured the wig onto my wig head stand with marking pins, which will make this whole process a billion times easier! Just get a marking pin from your sewing tools and puncture through the wig and the wig head stand. My wig head stand is made of Styrofoam (made it myself) so I can do this, but if your's is plastic or the folding type, I'd recommend somehow securing the wig's position so every time you touch it it won't fall off. I have my final product stored on my wig head stand with a couple of pins on it. Don't forget to remove them when you're taking it off! D:
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Drenched-Rat's avatar
This is super helpful! If you don't mind me asking, where did you get your wig? I love the color!