Hello. I go here, on the internet, by the name of mompants300 . I would have preferred a more British name like mumpants300, but an American friend of mine a rummy Yank made the account for me and has now forced me out of my short-term retirement from creativity. I am a wretched artist in all mediums I have tried, and in most I have not. Nevertheless, my single goal here on deviantArt is to go down in history as the greatest rise from the ashes since the internet's very invention, the fall of Y2K, and the rise again.
The name of Mompants (or Mumpants) came from the German Muttihose (or Mutterhose) and means the pants that one's mum wears. It is a noun, or an adjective. The 300 in the username comes not from the film nor the comic, but a random number that was chosen for no reason as far as I know.
Current Residence: London, Earth