Moda-Masculina's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Frequency3D's avatar

I added an image to Featured by mistake. It was probably supposed to go into Digital. Not sure how to change it now. But do feel free to move it if you like, I am not the one who decides what is featured here! ;)
E-Ocasio's avatar
Thank you for your honesty. No problem I 'll change it.
faniatejeda's avatar
¡Genial! Es tan dificil encontrar una mens Vogue o revistas de modas y patrones masculinos. ¡es bueno saber que hay gente que le interesa la moda masculina! :happybounce: 
E-Ocasio's avatar
Gracias. :thanks:
Bueno los hombres no salimos desnudos a la calle, no? Tambien usamos ropa. No se puede sólo usar T-shirts  y maones todo el tiempo!
Men's Vougue creo que sólo se publica ahora en Italia, Francia y Japón. Pero siempre está GQ.
thaleiajackie's avatar
can we make a folder for 'resources'? can't find a lot of male croquis in the web with various poses.
E-Ocasio's avatar
Sure! I found some here in deviant art., but as you said they're scarce. 
In my fashion Friendly envelope in my gallery I list the ones I've used along with their link.
You may want to check them out.
thaleiajackie's avatar
awesome! thanks : )