should i Make The Other Fairy Tail Characters
I made Erza Scarlet: :thumb368001318:
I made Juvia Lockser: :thumb368067592:
and i Put Ezra's Outfit up for Cosplaying Purposes: :thumb368077162:
You Guys Seem to Love My Models so thanks for Everything Especially the Faves thanks
hi i am mary jon ,I have a YouTube channel…. I hope you support me. I love MMD. I distribute all the camera + movements + characters. I am a beginner. I am trying to develop until I become a professional YouTuber like everyone else.😊💗
I was going to submit to the downloads folder but accidentally I submit it to the comic folder T.T I'm sorry T.T could you remove it and then I will submit it again to the download folder Sorry T.T
Hi guys! so i have a youtube glitch with one of my videos, and the only way to fix it is for you all to watch 30 seconds ( at least ) of my video. ( no, this is not a joke )