Magente, Cyan and yellowMK210 on DeviantArt

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Magente, Cyan and yellow



The last upload of 2021
A little descripción of them:

Magenta (magy):
22 years old. is a pretty princess! Or Well at least what she believe, pretty inteligente too, always get what she wants, when she finds someone to have some "real fun",Projects a sexy and romantic attitude.

Magenta has a only best friend and is Cyan.
And with Yellow... They dont match really well... she always thinks she is better than Yellow.

Her thing is the Big smothering kisses.

19 years old. A small girl, with a giant heart, calm and lovely, she can be really Ingenue, she always has space on her heart (Even for you), when she founds someone special she can't control herself and only wants to share love.

Cyan is the right hand of Magy, she always helps is best friend. and she loves yellow too Even wiht the few emotions that shows Yellow to her.

Her thing is to cover everything in kisses.

20 years old. The atletic Girl, she likes ejercises, yoga, and energy drinks, can be rude with hard temperamento and is really Mocking, when she finds someone to Steal it a little bit of is time, she domines.

Yellow hates magy's actitud, but the two can reach an agreement if they propose it.
And cyan is someone Yellow actualy cares about and doesn't likes how magy influence her.

Her thing is kisses... But that is not enough, so she goes "tongue all around".

Pd: if there is any gramar error, Let me know. I am not really good in English.

Happy new year to everyone!
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4096x3072px 1.3 MB
© 2022 - 2025 MK210
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HammerBro101's avatar

If I recall correctly, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow are the subtractive primaries of the CMY color wheel and the additive secondaries of the RGB color wheel. Here are their hexadecimal codes.

Cyan: 00FFFF

Magenta: FF00FF

Yellow: FFFF00