OKKContest_confessionTamaHaruMiyuki-Tsukiyono on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/miyuki-tsukiyono/art/OKKContest-confessionTamaHaru-173299348Miyuki-Tsukiyono

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wii termine XDD y me pase de azucar jajajaja pero me encanto hacer este dibujo ^___^
ademas de que es para molestar a una persona presumida ¬¬ pero no entremos en detalles ^^ espero les guste
ademas de la confesion dije nada trillado y asi cumplo uno de msi deseos ocultos, que tamaki le proponga matrimonio a haruhi xD hahahahaha
para :iconmugiwara-chanx: de su concurso de :iconouranhostclubcouples: x3 prdoname amiga me tarde mucho en hacerlo por que queria ofrecer algo decente no es la octava maravilla pero lo hice con mucho esmero y cariño

wii finished and I pass sugar XDD hahahahaha but I loved doing this drawing ^___^
for:iconmugiwara-chanx: their contest:iconouranhostclubcouples: x3 sorry friend of mine after a long time that I wanted to offer something decent is not the eighth wonder but I did it with great care and affection
besides the confession said nothing so trite and fulfilled one of my hidden desires,which tamaki he proposes marriage haruhi xD hahahahaha

we love your comments and favorites :heart: :hug:

(c) Tamaki and Haruhi by: Bisco Hatori
Art: Me ^___^U
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439x1296px 664.36 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Miyuki-Tsukiyono
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MelanieSuou's avatar
Love this! This is so cute, and now one of my billion hidden OHSHC desires are fulfilled! Damn, l am fangirling all over the place today...