mitten-cake's avatar


4 Watchers10 Deviations


1 min read
Bye 8D
Tricia *Codiee* will no longer be going on this account. Just me....:(
Sh has an account of her own now! Yay her, LOLZ

Anyway, I will be on hiatus since I'm gay and I go to the gay bar every night *kidding*

Codiee's dA Clicky!

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Donate =]

2 min read
Whew! I haven't been on for a while **evil computer**
No more school :D
I took MILLIONS of pictures with me and my friends cosplaying Death Note and Bleach on the last day. I would put them here but NOOOOOOOO, I need a subscription ;(

:iconb1plz::iconb2plz: :iconnosubbystamp-plz1::iconnosubbystamp-plz2: :icondeviantstamp1::icondeviantstamp2:
:iconiheartplz::iconplzaccountsplz: :iconmystamps: :iconsubmeplz1::iconsubmeplz2:
:iconlogoutplz1::iconlogoutplz2: :iconnosubs::iconcription: :iconlovestamp1::iconlovestamp2:


Be kind and donate, please O.O

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Boosh. 2

2 min read
Update :]


Dun, dun, Dun...!
Camp is in a couple of days and I am trying to finish most of the art I started

To-do list
  • Start doing more deviations
    • Improve!!!!!!!!!! (It's pretty odd for a 12 year old. Geez, I'm more better at writing stories thats why I get leve 5a's in my English)
      • Get a subscription (In my dreams. It's hard persuading my parents.)
        • Know how Corel Painter works. (I bought it and I don't know how to use it O.o)
          • Finish my exams

            :iconborder6plz: :iconcloud-x-tifa-club: :iconmcr-club: :iconfirstxlove: :icontidus-and-yuna-fan: :iconcloudstrifefanclub: :iconborder6plz

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2 min read
Update :]


Evil tests! I need to do well or else I won't be allowed on the computer  and I might go back to the 7th grade again(Year 7 in the UK) O.o

I'm also persuading my parents to buy me a subscription and a new scanning thing.

To-do list
  • Start doing more deviations
    • Improve!!!!!!!!!! (It's pretty odd for a 12 year old. Geez, I'm more better at writing stories thats why I get leve 5a's in my English)
      • Get a subscription (In my dreams. It's hard persuading my parents.)
        • Know how Corel Painter works. (I bought it and I don't know how to use it O.o)
          • Finish my exams

            :iconborder6plz: :iconcloud-x-tifa-club: :iconmcr-club: :iconfirstxlove: :icontidus-and-yuna-fan: :iconcloudstrifefanclub: :iconborder6plz:

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I found a new gallery thing. On Gaia The Otaku!
I posted my favourite art works in there since I want more people to see my art. Me and my 12 year old brain :D

My Gaia: ScandalousRomance

Peace x


:iconborder6plz: :iconcloud-x-tifa-club: :iconmcr-club: :iconfirstxlove: :icontidus-and-yuna-fan: :iconcloudstrifefanclub: :iconborder6plz:

Favourite Deviants

:iconpropertyoftheuchiha: :iconramachan: :iconrhu: :iconscrotumnose: :iconshel-yang: :iconshiawase-chan: :icontagl: :icontidus-and-yuna-fan: :icontoounit: :iconleilain: :iconuzumakiroronoa: :iconvivalaqueen: :iconandres-blanco: :iconelainex: :iconhey-poo-guy: :iconjoey-b: :iconfelolira: :iconkate-enthusiasm: :iconkippi: :iconlanwu: :iconmcr-club: :iconmelancholic017: :iconpapercutperfect: :iconpimppinkcherry: :iconelfenceres: :iconnellyonly: :iconshidabeeda: :iconvalerei: :iconbloodzilla-billy: :iconchemicalreactionx: :iconcloud-x-tifa-club: :iconcloudstrifefanclub: :iconclub-peechy: :iconcostifa: :iconecthelian:

:iconborder6plz: :iconchemicalreactionx: :iconborder6plz:

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Hiatus. by mitten-cake, journal

Donate =] by mitten-cake, journal

Boosh. 2 by mitten-cake, journal

Boosh. by mitten-cake, journal

New Art thing :S by mitten-cake, journal