Hello everyone, I'm MitsuLightning13 and i've been a member of DeviantArt Since September 1, 2010. Unfortunately i do not get on here very often anymore, i am usually on my Tumblr. So i might submit a few things here and there, I just can't bring myself to delete my account since i've had it so long…so if you still want to be in contact with me, please go here:
Tumblr: notaqueen-akhaleesi16.tumblr.com
Thanks! Full body art of any character you please...................... 10
OC Art...................... 10
Fan Art of any Anime........................15
Chibi Art........................ 5
Current Residence: PA
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small
Favourite genre of music: Pop, instrumental, Disney…etc.
Favourite style of art: Manga/anime, traditional
MP3 player of choice: iPhone 5c
Favourite cartoon character: Toshiro Hitsugaya
Personal Quote: I myself am made entirely out of flaws, stitched together with good intentions