Current Residence: Not tellin'.
Favourite genre of music: Country, Jazz, Classical, Dubstep
Favourite style of art: Traditional/2D
Wallpaper of choice: Once-ler
Favourite cartoon character: Kaa
Personal Quote: "Never predict the weather."
This is such an interesting piece. It's like there are two separate light sources, both slightly different hues, that equal parts complement each other and are also just separate enough that your eyes wander over to that right-hand area. And yet... the bird in the center keeps drawing your eye back to the focal point of the composition. So interesting. That brush set is pretty appealing, as well -- there's a lot of personality in those textures. Great work overall! *thumbs up*
I've actually seen almost all of Steven Universe, including the movie. The only thing I missed were the last few episodes of the spin-off. I really like how they animated Spinel. She sure had a heartfelt and soul-crushing backstory. Heh. Very well done, though.