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Cynthia Oakley
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Other
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (45)
My Bio

I am a sculptress, a painter, I make jewelry...I am also a retired musician. I like dragons, Johnny Depp and fantasy and the line between reality and fantasy is often very blurred in my world!

Current Residence: Tucson, Arizona
Favourite genre of music: new age, celtic
Favourite style of art: real sur real
Wallpaper of choice: Brandon (my dog)
Skin of choice: scaled

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Tools of the Trade
air dry clay, polymer clay, acrylics


0 min read
As the sun leaves the sky, the moon rises above, I wait in my chamber for my one true love.He is there at my window, bathed in the moonlight...my heart skips a beat as he comes into sight.As I beckon him in and I nod my consent, he crosses the threshold and makes his descent.Touching my skin with his cool, smooth hands, I kiss his lips sweetly and I await his demands.I feel safe and alive, while in his embrace then I look in his eyes as he kisses my face.There's something within that I can't recognize, it's hidden down deep in the depths of his eyes.My body betrays me...as he kisses my neck his lips feel like fire as they continue thier tr...
anonymous's avatar
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I recently was so shocked! I received a DD. I am sort of new at this so I had to ask a few kind Deviants what that meant. They were nice enough not to laugh at me and now I know! It was a picture of a wall of my dragon head sculptures. Well the comments you sent were wonderful!    (Let me just say...NO DRAGONS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THESE SCULPTURES)    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I have so enjoyed reading and answering (as quick as I can) all your wonderful comments.    Yes I do commissions... was one question. I also have just begun a series of smaller dragon heads, which may make them easier to obtain in this u...
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0 min read
It's Valentines Day, paying some bills and I really need to work on a few pieces today. I'll be working with Duncan tonight. Duncan is my late-husbands former piano player we play and sing at occasional events. I really am out of my musician mode. I always regret having to do it. I'd rather stay home and paint or work on finishing one of my sculptures. Now that I have immersed myself in my art again...music isn't even in the "back seat" it's as if, it's all the way back in the "Trunk"!
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Profile Comments 131

anonymous's avatar
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412driz's avatar
wow, you are so talented, love your work :)
yuggleganesh's avatar
you are truly talented, thankyou for sharing your creations and providing great inspiration for me,
Mdragonflame's avatar
Your dragons are SO beautiful and unique! I wish I had the money and space for one.. XD Idk if you sell them.. but.. If so.

They're gorgeous!
LadyStarrlight's avatar
wow...just wow!!!
CarolinaWinkler's avatar
hello I really like to own one of these dragons. is order?

ForestDwellerHouses's avatar
Beautiful work and talent!
LandGart's avatar
I have seen hot glue used successfully for drool drips on sculptures. Glad to see you're active on here by the way, I check your blog every now and then still :)