Ch 20 - Dinner's on MeEven though night was beginning to fall it didn't seem like darkness would ever set in; the lights of Vegas were gaudy and bright and painfully artificial, and they erased any hope of seeing the stars emerge...Sniper was finding the longer he sat up here the more he quietly hated this town, and there was a part of him amazed that someone like Shiloh had spent years here and hadn't been ruined by it.They sat up on the roof in wicker chairs, facing away from downtown Vegas to somewhat control the glare of the lights; the roof itself was softly lit by tiny white lights strung along poles that held up a gauzy fabric that ...
30 Day Art Improvement (Hell) Challenge by PencillCat, journal
30 Day Art Improvement (Hell) Challenge
I originally posted this on my Tumblr blog , and since it seems to be popular I thought I'd challenge people here. 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge Are you tired of feeling like your art just isn't improving? Do you want to do a 30-day challenge that's actually useful? Welcome to 30 Days of Improvement Hell.I made this because I've been feeling super 'blah' about my art these days, and I needed something to kick-start myself. Who wants to do this with me!? Start now or whenever you can (now you procrastinators!). Challenge yourself and have fun at the same time!Tag your posts with #Improvement Hell (more for Tumblr posts, but I suppos...