Point Adopts - 1 Leftmissybird on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/missybird/art/Point-Adopts-1-Left-392351675missybird

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missybird's avatar

Point Adopts - 1 Left



So I love making adopts and never had premium membership
before so let's make this a win-win where you adopt these
cuties and I can see what premium membership is all about.

I've never used points before so bear with me > o>
Each adopt is 140 points so comment below which one you'd
like, and donate to the thing on my profile. I'll look to see that you've
given the points and I'll note you the adopt. <:
If you comment snagging a adopt but don't pay within 24 hours,
I'll let the next person who claims it have it.

I hope these go well and want to do more so if you have a
theme in mind you'd like to suggest, please comment below! <3


1.) puppy princess - taken by :iconaeary:
2.) kitten clown - taken by :iconwtfatname:
3.) bunny beat - taken by :iconpepperjack-kiwi:
4.) wolf warrior queen - taken by :iconsevenkalmia:
5.) red succubus - taken by :iconsevenkalmia:
6.) high fashion flower - open
7.) wedding night unicorn - taken by :iconwtfatname:
8.) tiger ringleader - taken by :iconlyilli:
Image size
850x840px 655.93 KB
© 2013 - 2025 missybird
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fluttershylovescake's avatar
i love number six!!!!! but i only have 10 points Sweating a little...