Gemsona Marble adoptsMissMooseMedia on DeviantArt

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Gemsona Marble adopts



Marbles are an original gem design my sister and I made. They're basically the least valuable type of gem, like a pearl that anyone can own, trade, or discard at their leasure or will. 

These two are themed after colorings of toy marbles instead of the stone (as this kind of gem sometimes is) Their names are the name of the type of marble they're based off of.

They cost 100 points each

Guacamaya: open

Confetti: open

If you want one of these of a specific kind of marble and can't afford to adopt one/get a custom order of it feel free to design them yourself. This is an open design.

Hope you like them :3
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1440x1873px 688.09 KB
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