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missmonster on DeviantArt
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Finished Krampus artwork. Who is Krampus? Google him! He's a Christmas devil, assistant to Saint Nick. He gathers up the naughty children and punishes them around Christmas time.
It will be printed as 4" x 6" rounded edge postcards. They will be sold in packaged sets of 6 or 12. Each will be numbered and signed as this will be a limited edition of 200! Should be available in about a week.
I would also like to do shirts. Im thinking about some kind of text like "Der Krampus" or even better "Gruss vom krampus" ( Greeting from the Krampus, seen on many vintage Krampus postcards) so it doesn't just look like some weird random devil. Perhaps the text would promt people that don't know of Krampus to ask what it is? I'll shop the design around and see if anyone bites...
Creepy hand is creepy. Thats the whole point!
Yes, there is a shirt: [link]
It will be printed as 4" x 6" rounded edge postcards. They will be sold in packaged sets of 6 or 12. Each will be numbered and signed as this will be a limited edition of 200! Should be available in about a week.
I would also like to do shirts. Im thinking about some kind of text like "Der Krampus" or even better "Gruss vom krampus" ( Greeting from the Krampus, seen on many vintage Krampus postcards) so it doesn't just look like some weird random devil. Perhaps the text would promt people that don't know of Krampus to ask what it is? I'll shop the design around and see if anyone bites...
Creepy hand is creepy. Thats the whole point!
Yes, there is a shirt: [link]
Image size
1275x1875px 1.08 MB
© 2009 - 2025 missmonster
Would you mind if I got this as a tattoo one day?
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