WxR: ComplimentMiss-Psyson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/miss-psyson/art/WxR-Compliment-930000635Miss-Psyson

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WxR: Compliment


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Rosalina uses compliment! It's SUPER effective!

A bit of a callback to this comic I did a long time ago, but I do like the idea of Waluigi trying his hardest to annoy Rosalina or try to get her to back off only for him to fail at it in every way because she's just to smart XD

I'm still trying to find a good style for my comics and what not, so I apologize if none of the styles are similar to each other. 

Just trying to find a good feel on what looks decent in my eyes and so forth 

((EDIT: I went back to fix the text bubble because I felt like the colors were a bit much and stuff. I'm still going to work on improving my comics, but I'll try to be consistent with it :) (Smile) ))
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1317x17457px 8.18 MB
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The only one who can make the boy in purple blush like a tomato, is our beloved princess, guardian of the cosmos. ✨✨✨