Shop is closed. Moving to Japan.I'm moving away for a year. I'll be uploading pics when I can. Mainly photography and digital work. So yeah, thanks.TIME TO PLAY DOTA 2 IN THE ASIAN SERVERS. HOORAH!
So I'm in South Korea right now. I feel so relaxed right now. Thought I'd do some doodles...but I can't work in a A6 sketchpad?! I don't know...I'm used to drawing straight onto A3 these days.I'm currently staying at my sisters place. She has a bad chest infection so I'm up making sure she's ok...Gotta book tickets to Japan this weekend. Hopefully I can find some cheap places to stay. I miss drawing. Which is weird as I've just been doodling a lot these last couple of days. But nothing really logical.Hence why I'm on here...looking for inspiration? Looking back at stuff I've already drawn. Things I could expand on...I feel so relaxed its u...