JJK: His precious angelsMiriamP on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/miriamp/art/JJK-His-precious-angels-882454592MiriamP

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JJK: His precious angels



AU MinoNana (+ baby Mizu) for celebrating Nanami's birthday!! Party 

Some day I'll stop drawing my couples sleeping/in bed, but today is not the day! :giggle: AU in which everything after Shibuya arc is happy, so they can be a happy family AS THEY DESERVE 
 :prettyplease: - NaNoEmo 5/30:heart: 

Eimi was already pregnant before the Shibuya incident, but didn't get to tell Nanami until much later. After all he was recovering for his injuries, so she didn't want to 'disturb' that... (Tbh I have way too many HCs about them in the AU but I guess' that's thing for another day :giggle:)

I'm very happy with the pic in general, but especially with Eimi cos she looks so cute!! Also Nanami looking at his girls as they're the most precious in the world (well, they are for him!) :heart: 

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Dot Bullet (Purple) - F2U! Eimi Minori Full Profile 
Jujutsu Kaisen © Gege Akutami
Eimi Minori, Mizuki Nanami, and Art © me, MiriamP 
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2611x3155px 2.56 MB
© 2021 - 2025 MiriamP
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sunnymimis's avatar

After reading the Shibuya arc I'm GRATEFUL THIS DRAWING OF THEM EXISTS NOW

This is canon, nothing bad happened in Shibuya, I refuse to believe it :B But seriously, Eimi looks so peaceful :heart:And MIZUKI AS A LITTLE BABY IS SO CUTE :heart: Anyone with common sense would stare at them like Nanami, they're precious!! :love:I'm glad Eimi could finally tell Nanami that she was pregnant in this AU, they deserve to have a happy family and I can only imagine how happy Nanami was about finding out!! :heart:

I don't care if you never stop drawing couples in bed. If anything it's your specialty at this point and I LOVE IT!!! :heart: