Team DRIL Unite! (Old)Mirai-Digi on DeviantArt

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Mirai-Digi's avatar

Team DRIL Unite! (Old)



Name: Digi Digital

Age: 17

Weapon: Sword

Semblance: Cyber Insert - Allows the user to go in and out of electronics or computer systems
and can be taken over by how much energy is used.


Name: Reid Elias

Age: 18

Weapon: Sniper Riffle

Semblance: Quickshot- Allows the user to get good range with a sniper and accuracy against far away enemies


Name: Inzo Minerva

Age: 16

Weapon: Spear

Semblance: Sharpness Boost- Increase the Speed and Sharpness of the user's weapon


Name: Ledge Hawkins

Age: 17

Weapon: Shield

Semblance: PointBreak - Blocks any amounts of attacks based on how much energy
the users holds with it's shield.


RWBY Oc's: Team DRIL Emblems by Mirai-Digi
RWBY Oc's: Team DRIL by Mirai-Digi
Image size
1377x760px 103.67 KB
© 2017 - 2025 Mirai-Digi
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DJHiryu508's avatar
Ooh, is this gonna be a thing in Qamar academy too?