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Damien Ashburton-Dunning
15 Watchers1 Deviation

Britain is greater than USA by mintfresh, literature

Britain is greater than USA by mintfresh, literature

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  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • He / Him
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (10)

Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali, Hieronymous Bosch or however it's spelt
Favourite Movies
LOTR trilogy
Favourite Writers
JRR Tolkien, David Eddings, Stephen King, the list goes on...
Favourite Games
Too many to list...
Favourite Gaming Platform
I like em all
Tools of the Trade
A tub of Weapons grade jelly, a live goat, half a pound of tuppeny rice, and my corpse poking stick
Other Interests
stuff, things, manga, videogames

Quiz thingybob

0 min read
So, I was tagged for this by :iconnasey: goes1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. It reads: "limited liability, i.e. they can lose the money they have" Business studies revision, which this thing has totally distracted me from doing...2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, what are you touching? A plug socket3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Top Gear4. Without looking, guess what time it is? 10:005. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 09:54, heh, close enough6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? An RS teacher telling his class his email address7. When...
anonymous's avatar
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What to say, KHII, I've finished it, and now for my opinions... First a simple review (no spoilers here)Graphics: Pushes the PS2 to it's limit, not even any slowdown during the battle with 1000 heartless, and the drive forms look great. even the Pirates of the Caribean (sp?) characters look lifelike. 10/10Sound: Very good, although Hikaru's Sanctuary didn't sound as good as Passion (the japanese version), most of the music fit in really well with the game, and I was pleased to hear a bit of Hikari playing at one point in the game. 9/10Gameplay: If you played the first game and enjoyed it, then ther are few surprises here, but the drive for...
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Random Thingy

0 min read
Random Questionnaire Thingy! Nicked this from Pezz, who nicked it from someone else...meh I'm bored what can I say1. YOUR NAME SPELLED BACKWARDS? Neimad, like Nomad, but not.2. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? Ummm, kinda hard, I go to an all boys school, so not a lotta scope in that region3. THE LAST THING YOU DOWNLOADED ON TO YOUR COMPUTER? Emulator and ROM stuff4. HAVE YOU EVER LICKED A 9 VOLT BATTERY? was a car battery5. LAST TIME YOU SWAM IN A POOL? 'bout a year ago6. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY? No, I leave all that frustrated thespian stuff to the likes of Simsay7. THERE IS NO QUESTION. There is no answer...
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Profile Comments 45

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Zachary-Moonlight's avatar
chocolat-cookie13's avatar
Hi as part of #deviant365 I wanna wish you a great week :iconfoxbaibaiplz:

Yay you like Brian and Stewie ^^
akula-kun's avatar
Thanks for the watch D. ... Not that you're on here much these days by the looks of things ^^;
Zachary-Moonlight's avatar
Hey, thought your page needed a little love. I'm so nice! ^ ^ :heart:
the-ev's avatar
thanks for viewing :)
Zachary-Moonlight's avatar
...Yes, you're probably right, but that was an old pic. Anyway:

1,332 Pageviews

...You are almost elite. Well done :)
Zachary-Moonlight's avatar
*molests you in your sleep*

Take care~