+++Basic Info:+++Name: Sashomi (Sash-ome-e)Alias: Normally just called Sash by most people.Appearing Age: 16Birthday: 6th SeptemberSpecies: ShinigamiGender: FemaleRank: 5th Seat of 9th SquadHeight: 5"4Weight: 8 StoneHanded: Left, but she has taught herself to fight with her right to a reasonable standard.Quotes: 'It's easier to say nothing and not be noticed, than say a lot and make mistakes.'Typical Appearance: Long brown hair down to her lower back that is usually left unstyled. Due to her deep love for Hisagi, she has tattooed three scars down her left arm and a 69 on her right palm, but because she doesn't want him to know this wears a...