Stonemason DesignsMiniJen on DeviantArt

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MiniJen's avatar

Stonemason Designs



OK so if you've been on my tumblr at all over the course of the past several months than you likely know what this is but if not, allow me to explain this concept that I'll maybe end up using in UF's sequel. Said concept being that after the Wanted arc in the sequel, Yellow Diamond ends up apprehending Dipper (but not Steven and Mabel) and she decides to turn him into the perfect weapon to track down and shatter "Rose" (Steven) through brainwashing and cybernetically enhancing him, thus turning him into her loyal assassin: Stonemason. And hence these designs. Tbh I'd explain more but I'm kinda tired so if you wanna know more just scroll through the tag about it on my tumblr: Enjoy! :P 
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Brydav's avatar

I honestly think the reveal that he is Dipper would only be surprising to him.