Deviation Actions
Racing games are good to draw out the rosters for, because they’ve pre-selected the important characters from that series. And Jolly Roger. That’s always been an odd choice but a cool wildcard one too. I already pixelised the beta version of this game, Diddy Kong Pilot. Rare converted it after they were bought by Microsoft and found themselves unable or unwilling to use IP they didn’t own. The conversion was a little rushed though, resulting in Kong-style music and even some characters that slipped through the cracks, as well as the excision of story elements, leaving the timeline placement of this game debatable. Anywho! Here’s some cool pixels!
Banjo, Kazooie, Mumbo Jumbo, Jinjo, Humba Wumba, Gruntilda Winkybunion, Klungo, Bottles, Jolly Roger