ATL: Dano-Swedish War of 1518/1519Milites-Atterdag on DeviantArt

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ATL: Dano-Swedish War of 1518/1519



A map of an alternate Dano-Swedish war during the last part of the Kalmar Union. It was made for my counterfactual story about Christian II of Denmark, which you can find here:…

In 1517 a feud erupted between the Lord Steward of Sweden, Sten Sture the Younger and the archbishop of Uppsala, Gustav Trolle. At the turn of the year, Trolle had been murdered by enraged peasants after the first attempt of Christian II to rescue him had been thwarted. By the winter of 1518, Christian II had raised a considerable army and began his campaign against the Swedes. 


I'm very happy with this map, since I learned so much about Illustrator in the process of making it. Furthermore, it's a combination of information gathered for several other previous maps such as the fief/hundred distribution of Denmark in 1513 and my latest map of Sweden in the late middle ages. The Norwegian internal borders aren't that precise, since the earliest source was from 1570. 

As always, thoughts and criticisms are welcome.
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zalezsky's avatar
Beautiful work!