Kaleidoscope - Ch. 1.25MikoKa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mikoka/art/Kaleidoscope-Ch-1-25-636167707MikoKa

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Kaleidoscope - Ch. 1.25



:pointl: Kaleidoscope - Ch. 1.24 | Kaleidoscope - Ch. 1.26 :pointr:

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Introductions & Expressions


Mirrasae: The mystery of Eman continues. Dun dun dun...!

So, because I have nothing else to say, I'll do short introductions. Cuz why not?

The names of those in the first panel, going from left of the screen to the right of the screen are: Kaboi (green-haired cat-eyed dude), Dren (flippy-do) and General Rees Taran (kick-trash older guy).

Also, two pages back, you caught a glimpse of Doctor Kamin and Atia, his nurse.

MikoKa: Bit of useless info, I totally forgot to add a word bubble in one of the panels, and we liked it better, so... hurray for less dialog!

Also, the last panel I finished was actually the second one. After I finished everything else I went back to it because I had to get her expression JUST RIGHT.

Yup. That's... pretty much all I've got...

Kaleidoscope by AvianSkies

Art by MikoKa | Story by Mirrasae
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