NPC: Eclair Custardmikleumas on DeviantArt

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NPC: Eclair Custard



Name: Eclair Custard
Age: 25
Faction: Earthra
Race: Human
Job: Soldier

Personality: Eclair has an adventurous and courageous spirit. He always strives to improve himself to be a more useful asset as a way to prove to himself that he can accomplish things. He has a gentle heart and an honest, trusting nature.
Eclair struggles with keeping calm in stressful situations, especially combat, and is more conservative in strategies, unwilling to take big risks. Because of his trusting nature, Eclair can also be incredibly gullible.

History: Eclair was raised as a noble with his half-sister, Ilis. The two became inseparable during their childhood, and as the older sibling, Eclair took on the responsibility of caring for his little sister. Even the Age of Chaos that brought a war to Zion would not separate the two... for a time. For two years the war raged on while the siblings tried their best to survive, but Ilis was soon discharged from service. Eclair has since tried his utmost in keeping Ilis away from the war, but to no avail.

:bulletblack: Eclair has average skill with his sword. His fighting style is focused on speed, accuracy, and mobility rather than brute force and power.
:bulletblack: Eclair is a highly skilled tactician and strategist, well-informed in battle formations and military techniques and tactics.

Additional Info: Ilis and Eclair share the same father, but their mothers are different. This is where Eclair received his dark brown hair.
Because of his sword style, Eclair opts not to use heavy armor as it would drastically hinder his abilities with the sword.
Since childhood, Eclair has acted like an overbearing mother toward his half-sister, Ilis. The two maintain a familiar and pleasant relationship even after two long years of separation.

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SunnySniper's avatar
I'm so sorry he's just
I just want to pinch his cheeks oh my goodness
We should totally rp oh my gosh he's so precious I'm gonna die