ProjectRooftop- Spider-ManMikeDimayuga on DeviantArt

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MikeDimayuga's avatar

ProjectRooftop- Spider-Man



this is for project rooftop's "spider-man webhead 2.0". theme for this costume was "urban ninja". with some tweaks, spidey is as ninja-like as the characters you see in animes. he can be sneaky, he can be really fast and agile. he wears a full mask... that's a ninja if there ever was one.

i decided to go the subtler route with regards to the spider motif, but instead modify the existing costume which is iconic on its own even without the pictograph. the scarf is a tribute to shinobi.

and yes, spider-man's webbing shoots out of his fingertips.




this news is nearly a week late, but but better late than never: i WON! woohoo!


if you'll notice, i just made it by the skin of my teeth. i received 56/70 and the second place winner got 55.5/70. not surprising, because there were a LOT of really GREAT designs.
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1200x938px 809.53 KB
© 2011 - 2025 MikeDimayuga
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