ConfidenceMikaelHankonen on DeviantArt

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MikaelHankonen's avatar




Crowds and architecture, something I lack patience and confidence with so I'm trying to learn some of that!

More from this:

Upset customers (Hire me?) by MikaelHankonen  Privacy by MikaelHankonen  Arrival by MikaelHankonen  1800's crossdresser by MikaelHankonen

If you're looking for an Artist for your Comic, I'm available for hire!

Prices go in the range of $170 / page,
including pencils, inks and colours.

Drop me a line via notes, DM's to my Twitter, or E-mail,
Image size
930x1402px 2.36 MB
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MooMooMercy's avatar

These are beautiful pieces and I'm already so thoroughly invested! You mentioned on the others it's taken some time to build up the courage to post these; Are there any more? If so I'd love to read them!