Alazen's CupcakesMikaelHankonen on DeviantArt

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Alazen's Cupcakes



One of the most fun World of Wholesome commissions I've gotten to do. ♥

This blood elf mister belongs to Renate, and his name is Alazen. I really like him. He's such a comfy looking person, and Renate gave me a lot of time to put some polish on this which I'm very thankful for.

He's got cool glasses, he's a very comfy guy, and he has a bakery. It's the best. 

Renate has a art FB page here, go give it a check if you're so inclined:…

Adobe Photoshop CS5
Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Image size
930x1312px 1.25 MB
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LanawynTheBlueElf's avatar

This is gorgeous!

If I may suggest you can share this on reddit on the subs r/imaginaryelves r/characterdrawing r/highelveshalls r/woodelvesforest and r/elveninspiration if you want, they would love this!

Also what do you think of my gallery? I'd like some feedback

And by the way I don't know if you like to role play but you can join this server if you want, we'd love to have you there