Jungle Warrior Minerva (#4) by MiiMasterP, literature
Jungle Warrior Minerva (#4)
Episode 4:
A New Style: South Bird-Claw Fist!
"How many you got?"
"About twenty of them. All in good health, too!"
"Perfect! All we've got to do now is bring 'em to the fields and put 'em to work! Heh heh...."
The two men holding this conversation, each with distinctive black mohawks and snakeskin pants, were putting in some serious effort, tirelessly working to assure that their jobs were done efficiently. There was just one problem with their work.
As a wooden vehicle showed up to their position, the exact nature of their work became clear, and it wasn't a pretty sight.
The two men were slavers. Child slavers, to be exact.
At the back of the vehicle was a large basket-like structure, with twenty children, as the man said, sitting in it. They all looked either sad or scared, no doubt worried about the fates that likely awaited them at this place.
The place in question was